M-shine perimeter LED displays extend to Sponsored advertising

  • Date: 2019-10-12 10:58:04
  • Author: mxg
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Along with the cargo moving, it feels like we had a journey across the ocean by ourselves. We have a typical and excellent project of perimeter LED displays recently, it is for a personal club in Czech, total length is 92meter, yea, it’s just a demo, following demand will be more.

If we say a good beginning make half, then the rest half must be depend on details processing. Sufficient communication strengthen the confidence our client on us, and the strict quality and lead time control make them trust finally.

With M-shine members’ efforts, everything is going very well.  

Strict aging test before delivery


Cargo arrive and unloaded


Install and test on site


Amazing sunset, fierce football match, excited audience, its really a beautiful scenes, stand there, it’s our perimeter displays, display the commercial sponsor name and logo.

Into Running formally


Language difference limited, the appraise word is simple, but it’s powerful, convincing, and encourage. As always, customer’s satisfaction is our greatest satisfaction.


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