Another application of M-shine outdoor transparent display

  • Date: 2020-09-29 08:51:24
  • Author: mxg
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The great day is just on the corner, this year Chinese traditional mid-autumn festival is on same day as National day, public holiday will last a whole week, for every store owner, it is golden week you can never miss. To catch this important moment, M-shine deliver and install this outdoor transparent screen on time, during this golden week, it will must attract more customer and bring more sales for the store owner.


Compare with normal led screen that likes a poker face on the wall, our transparent screen can be a decoration just stay there, even if didn’t play anything. This screen area is 60 square meter and installed in front of glass wall facade, through it, we still can see what people do inside.


Now more and more shopping mall and store are in similar model building, transparent screen is a good option to attract customer’s sight and expand their brand awareness, we believe outdoor transparent screen is becoming a trend of media object for advertising.

Pick one transparent screen, what you rewarded is increasing business sales!

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