2019 Beijing World Expo will once again make the creative display shine

  • Date: 2019-02-04 09:00:06
  • Author: mxg
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At 8:00 pm on April 28, 2019, Beijing time, the highly anticipated 2019 Beijing World Garden was grandly opened in Yanqing, Beijing. At the opening ceremony, the high-tech garden scenes of light and shadow art performances were fantastic, and the performances were mainly immersive experiences. The opening of the "lakes and mountains" was amazing. The opening ceremony will focus on the theme of “Green Life, Beautiful Homeland” and “Human and Nature” as the main line. Fully invite the people from all over the world to come to the World Park by taking advantage of the mountains, forests, lakes, grass and wood in the park. Will, work together to plant a beautiful home of "life and common".

It is reported that the evening party will enhance the audio-visual experience of the guests and all the audience in front of the TV. The creative team led by Sha Xiaotong will break through the possibilities and use the advanced creative concept of rich stage technology in a limited space. To create a full landscape ecosystem and a fully immersive viewing space, many of these stage techniques are presented for the first time, even tailored for the World Expo performances, combining technology and art. So, what black technology did this stunning party use? What kind of gesture did the LED display make?

Panoramic screen image effect from flat to stereo

In order to express the effect of full-view, multi-level and large-vision, the performance designed a real panoramic screen image effect from the stage floor screen, the lifting structure screen to the background screen, from plane to three-dimensional. Considering the characteristics of different image carriers, taking into account the overall art style of the image, the interaction between the images and the actors, the multimedia image design highlights the characteristics of harmony and aesthetics. In particular, as the "sky screen" of the screen, it can be raised and lowered, the mesh is transparent, and the multimedia image on the screen is superimposed with the real scene behind, which produces a feeling of combination of reality and reality. The huge mesh screen has a total area of more than 2,000 square meters and consists of 90 screens of 4.05 meters * 4.95 meters. The ground screen is nearly 800 square meters, including a special irregular unit of nearly 138 square meters; the curved screen laid on the stage lifting column is nearly 500 square meters, which is also tailor-made for the opening ceremony.

The stage is ever-changing LED creative display smart combination

Nowadays, with the development of LED display technology, both the dancers and the audience have brought more imagination, just like the performance of the opening ceremony of the World Expo, from LED floor tiles and LED surfaces. Screen to LED grille screen, these LED creative screens with design sense and scientific sense combine virtual space with reality to present a realistic and three-dimensional ideal world. The images created are delicate and realistic. The scenery is more impactful, allowing the audience to gain more sensory experience outside the performance, which in turn affects the viewer's heart changes and gives the audience a sense of immersion. This multi-screen combination and multi-screen immersive performance has gradually become the standard for high-end parties.

As the demand for personalized products continues to increase, the current creative display has become an important means for LED companies to break through the Red Sea market. As a typical performance of LED display differentiation development, LED creative screen market presents a large market vitality, shaped screen, floor tile screen The creative display represented by the transparent screen shines in the field of stage dance beauty. On the other hand, in addition to the visual impact brought by the unique shape, some current screen companies continue to add human-screen interaction, VR, 3D and other functional settings in their creative LED display products and solutions to make the display and the surrounding environment blend and personalize. The characteristics have also become the general trend of most of the LED display display development, giving us the performance effect of the sensory impact, creating an "immersive" experience. In order to meet the diversified needs of users on the stage effect and to expand the market continuously, LED screen enterprises must increase their technical investment in the LED segmentation field and develop more new products to adapt to the stage market.

In the rapid development of LED display screens, the market share of LED creative display is also rapidly increasing, and it has exerted its own charm in various fields, and it has brought the beauty of the world to its audience with beautiful beauty. enjoy. Although the current LED creative display is only a "niche" market, in the future market requirements, the stage of technology maturity, LED creative display will inevitably lead to mass consumption, the market is also more and more broad, LED creative display standardization, industrialization, has also become The inevitable trend, how to intervene in the creative display market is a question worth considering. It is important for LED companies not to be all-inclusive and complete in creating creative display products, but they must form their own unique style and Features can enhance the market space of the enterprise.

—— Graphic reprinted from the network

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