How to keep your LED display in good condition?

  • Date: 2016-07-08 08:45:40
  • Author: mxg
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LED display is widely used today. How to make the most use of an LED display? We talk about it here.

1. Check and keep wire and switch dry. avoid leakage of electricity and electric shock accident.

2. Use air conditioning for dehumidification of LED displays, place desiccant and apply physical moisture absorption method, keep them dry, prevent LED displays damp.

3. Make sure your LED screen work at least once a week, more than 2 hours each time in rainy season.

4. Due ventilation of LED displays allows rapid evaporation of water attached to the displays, reduce inside humidity. However, it should be noted that, in windless and high humid weather, ventilation may worsen it.

5. Due to the complexity of outdoor LED display use environment, there will be inevitably cases of condensated water or leakage. In addition to the above measures, it is always necessary to check periodically whether waterproof rubber rings are aged, deformed or damaged or not, to check whether screws or locks are loose or not.

6. While indoor rental LED display is used outdoor, it must be immediately cut off power when it rains, do not rush split screen, then quickly cover it with raincloth, take it out to dry out in a sunny day. If you encounter continuous rainy days, open the back doors of LED cabinets, blow them dry with cold wind. Then ventilate it in a well-ventilated and dry room for more than 8 hours. Reduce the brightness of the display and make it work for more than 4 hours to fully dissipate the moisture in the electronics.

7. Don't leave your LED display unused for a long time. No matter it is indoor LED display or outdoor LED display, long time left unused, it might be eaten and damaged by moisture and dust.

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