Small and medium-sized LED display increased by 26%

  • Date: 2017-12-03 08:57:28
  • Author: mxg
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According to IHS Markit, revenue from global small and medium-sized displays (9 inches and below, including LCDs and OLEDs) in 2017 has grown by 26% to $ 61.5 billion.

Samsung Display (Samsung Display) was estimated to occupy 1/3 (33%) of 2017 small and medium-sized display market, revenue increased 4%.

Japan Display (JDI) and LG Display (LG Display) revenue share in this area in 2017 was estimated to drop 2% each to 13% and 10% respectively.

IHS Markit concluded that Samsung's leading market share in the small and medium-size display market is expected to continue in 2018, as it will still maintain its dominant position in AMOLED technology.

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