Trouble-shooting guide of LED Display

  • Date: 2015-09-08 08:34:59
  • Author: mxg
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Common Breakdowns and Trouble-shooting Guide

1. Symptom: the whole display is flickering.

Problem: poor signal connection.

Solution: re-fix or re-connect signal cable.

2. Symptom: dusky LED

Problem: The voltage of switching power supply isn't consistent with LED rated voltage.

Solution: make sure the voltage of switching power supply is consistent with LED rated voltage.

3. Symptom: part of LEDs do not work.


A. signal interface hook up backward;

B. or power cable connect incorrectly.


A. re-connect signal interface correctly.

B. ensure the red wire connect to the positive pole, black wire connect to the negative pole.

4. Symptom: all LEDs do not work


A. no output of the switching power supply.

B. incorrect power output wiring.


A. connect the power switch input and test.

B. check power supply connections to see if they are connecting correctly or not.

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